React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that has taken the web development world by storm. React is known for its blazing-fast performance and has spawned an ecosystem of thousands of related modules on NPM.
However, in a community that favours choice and flexibility, it can be hard to know where to start! So here are six courses that will get you fully up to speed with the latest in React development.
Whether you want to master React animation, learn how to work with React Native or Redux, or get your hands dirty building some practical React applications, these courses have you covered.
In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Andrew Burgess will get you started building modern web apps with React and Redux.
Starting from nothing, you'll use these two libraries to build a complete web application. You'll start with the simplest possible architecture and slowly build up the app, feature by feature. By the end, you'll have created a complete flashcards app for learning by spaced repetition.
Along the way, you'll get a chance to sharpen your ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) skills and learn the patterns and modules that work best with React and Redux!
Sometimes, the best way to learn is just to dive in and do something practical. In this course by Jeremy McPeak, you're going to learn React by writing components that you could incorporate into your own applications.
Along the way, you'll learn all the basics of coding React components. You'll learn about JSX, events, managing state, and passing props. You'll also learn about some other key concepts like higher-order components, lifecycle methods, and using third-party libraries.
Mobile app users expect the performance and features that can only be supplied by native app development. But going native often means that you have to develop your app for multiple platforms. React Native bridges this gap by letting you write your user interface in modern JavaScript and automatically transforming it into native platform-specific views.
In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Markus Mühlberger will teach you how to write mobile apps in React Native. You will learn how to create, lay out and style components, provide user interaction, and integrate third-party components into your app. Along the way, you'll build a cool cross-platform fitness app!
When you've got started with React Native in the course above, you'll want to put your knowledge to good use. So try this course on building a social app with React Native.
You're with Markus Mühlberger again for this one, and he'll show you how to build a social app easily with a Firebase back-end. You'll also learn some more advanced topics like sophisticated view routing, camera and photo library access, and how to use the device's address book.
If you want to add some life and engagement to your React app, animation is a great way to do it.
In this course, you'll learn how to add some sparkle to your web app with simple animations. Follow along with Stuart Memo and you'll build a basic to-do app, and then enhance it with UI animation.
To start, you'll learn how to use React's built-in animation hooks. After you've become proficient with that, you'll move on to react-motion, a very popular and powerful animation library.
Coding a full-stack app has always been hard. Developers have to know completely different sets of languages, tools, libraries, and frameworks for the client and server side. But with React and Node, you can use the same JavaScript code on both the client and server.
In this course, Jeremy McPeak will show you how to write a universal (isomorphic) React app—one that can render on the server or the client. This will let us reuse the same code on the server and client, and it will make it easier for search engines to index our app. Follow along as Jeremy builds a simple app in React with React Router and then upgrades it with server-side routing.
You can take any of our React courses straight away with a subscription to Envato Elements. For a single low monthly fee, you get access not only to these courses, but also to our growing library of over 1,000 video courses and industry-leading eBooks on Envato Tuts+.
Plus you now get unlimited downloads from the huge Envato Elements library of 400,000+ creative assets. Create with unique fonts, photos, graphics and templates, and deliver better projects faster.
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waly Good blog post. I absolutely love this…