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    30 Popular WordPress User Interface Elements

    Are you looking for interfaces that will help your WordPress website run smoothly?

    User interface elements are one of the most important parts of your website's design. They help your users understand what your website is about and provide a way for them to interact with it. 

    The feature-rich user interface plugins that are offered on CodeCanyon and Envato Elements will help you to create a visually appealing and fully functional website. 

    With these premium WordPress interface elements, you will be able to:

    • create nested menus
    • add customizable popups
    • create eye-catching timelines
    • showcase your media through sliders and carousels 
    UberChart - WordPress Chart PluginUberChart - WordPress Chart PluginUberChart - WordPress Chart Plugin
    UberChart is one of the user interface plugins available on CodeCanyon and Envato Elements.

    Before you head over to CodeCanyon and Envato Elements to find the right user interface plugin to make your website even more user-friendly, let's explore the benefits of a monthly subscription to Envato Elements

    Envato Elements: Unlimited Downloads

    Envato Elements is a service that provides an unlimited download subscription, meaning that you are free to download as many items as you like from millions of digital assets. This includes premium WordPress themes and plugins, stock photography, royalty-free audio, stock video, and graphics.

    The subscription is covered by simple commercial licensing that gives you the rights to use the item in a broad variety of projects, including those of a commercial nature.

    The licensing is future-proof, meaning even if you unsubscribe and can't download items from Envato Elements any more, any existing uses that you registered are still covered.

    Unlimited downloads of 54+ million creative assets. From just €14.50/month.Unlimited downloads of 54+ million creative assets. From just €14.50/month.Unlimited downloads of 54+ million creative assets. From just €14.50/month.

    Subscribe Today 

    Subscribe today and start creating or learn more about why Envato Elements is Great for WordPress Developers

    WordPress User Interface Elements on Envato Elements 

    1. Smooth Scrolling for WordPress

    Smooth Scrolling for WordPressSmooth Scrolling for WordPressSmooth Scrolling for WordPress

    This WordPress interface element gives visitors an incredibly smooth experience when scrolling through your website.

    Features included:

    • lightweight and fast
    • native JavaScript without jQuery
    • suitable for all kinds of layouts
    • automatic detection of mobile devices
    • works both for the entire website and for individual pages.
    • all major browsers supported: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera
    • compatible with major WP plugins: Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, BuddyPress 
    • works with popular website page builders: Elementor, WPBakery, Gutenberg, etc.

    2. Page Preview Plugin for WordPress

    Page preview plugin for WordPressPage preview plugin for WordPressPage preview plugin for WordPress

    This plugin allows users to see the contents of a post in a popup window before going to the page. This is incredibly convenient for WordPress sites with a large number of articles. 

    You can easily control the display of featured images, excerpt size, and the position of information about the author, category, and the comments count.

    Features include:

    • multiple popup styles
    • five beautiful initial animations
    • built-in interface for binding the plugin to categories and single page
    • included pot file for quick translation on any language
    • perfect for RTL direction

    3. Tabs for Elementor

    Tabs for Elementor Tabs for Elementor Tabs for Elementor

    This plugin for Elementor allows you to quickly and easily create responsive tabs with any content. The tabs are responsive, so they work on all devices. 

    You can display the tabs in any possible style like at the top, bottom, left, right, or even custom positions. You can also add images, audio, video, or shortcodes to the tab content.  

    Other features of this tab widget for Elementor:

    • adding icons or images for each tab
    • multiple tabs for one page and anywhere on the site
    • adjustable tabs content height
    • customizable fonts, colors, borders, backgrounds, etc.
    • WooCommerce compatibility

    4. Navigation Menu for Elementor

    Navigation Menu for ElementorNavigation Menu for ElementorNavigation Menu for Elementor

    This plugin comes with everything you need to create a unique and user-friendly website navigation menu for mobile, tablet, or desktop. You can simply add vertical or horizontal responsive menu blocks anywhere on your website page in just a few clicks. The menus work well across all browsers. 

    Features included:

    • customizable mobile menu 
    • supports horizontal or vertical layout
    • custom mobile menu logo
    • flexible settings of a submenu display position
    • included POT file for quick translation on any language
    • perfect for RTL direction
    • works well with all WordPress themes built on Elementor
    • SEO-friendly
    • WooCommerce compatibility

    5. Price List for Elementor

    Price List for ElementorPrice List for ElementorPrice List for Elementor

    This plugin allows you to create attractive pricelists and price tables for the pricing page on your website. You can create outstanding customizable price blocks, add the information to the necessary fields, and display it both horizontally and vertically. 

    Features include:

    • five pricing templates 
    • customizable pricing layout
    • text and background gradient
    • flexible style settings for price elements
    • includes design layouts for Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
    • works well with all WordPress themes built on Elementor

    6. Image Slider for WPBakery

    Image Slider for WPBakeryImage Slider for WPBakeryImage Slider for WPBakery

    This plugin allows you to create slides and slide-sets for your website in order to make it more engaging and interactive. 

    Features included:

    • two slider elements with different types of displays 
    • add and display custom content to slide
    • customizable slider height
    • flexible content settings
    • ability to manage the number of columns for different devices

    7. Accordion Slider PRO 

    Accordion Slider PRO - Responsive WordPress PluginAccordion Slider PRO - Responsive WordPress PluginAccordion Slider PRO - Responsive WordPress Plugin

    Accordion Slider PRO is a full-featured, fully responsive, and touch-enabled accordion slider plugin. It offers a modern, intuitive, and engaging user experience. It works on both iOS and Android devices. 

    Here is a list of this plugin's top features:

    • multiple accordions on your website or on the same page
    • multimedia support—images, YouTube video, and Vimeo video
    • lightbox support—images and videos will be opened in a lightbox window
    • share the large image opened in the lightbox on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest
    • supports deep linking to an image which will be opened in lightbox automatically
    • SEO—description for each image which will be indexed by the search engines

    8. WordPress Pro Event Calendar

    WordPress Pro Event CalendarWordPress Pro Event CalendarWordPress Pro Event Calendar

    The Pro Event Calendar plugin adds a professional and sleek calendar to your posts or pages. Features include:

    • 100% responsive
    • easy to manage events
    • let users submit events from the front end
    • add special dates to your calendar, like holidays
    • allow users to book events
    • export bookings list to Excel (XLS)
    • limit the number of bookings in an event
    • Google Maps support

    9. Loading Progress Bar for WordPress

    Loading Progress Bar for WordPressLoading Progress Bar for WordPressLoading Progress Bar for WordPress

    This plugin adds a "page loading" progress bar to your website. The plugin automatically detects the loading progress percentage and indicates it on the progress bar. You can use any color or gradient for the bar and display it in a convenient place on the page.

    10. WordPress Author Box for Elementor

    WordPress Author Box for ElementorWordPress Author Box for ElementorWordPress Author Box for Elementor

    When your website content is linked to an actual person, it increases the level of interest and engagement of your visitors. The Author Box WordPress plugin allows you to introduce the author of the posts in a nice author info box. This allows readers to learn more about the authors and contact them personally through social media or other available means of communication. 

    The Best WordPress User Interface Plugins on CodeCanyon

    Browse through over 7,000 of the highest-quality WordPress plugins ever created on CodeCanyon. With a low-cost one-time payment, you can purchase these high-quality WordPress plugins and improve your website experience for you and your visitors. 

    Here are some of the best-selling user interface WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon for 2021.

    Best Selling WordPress Interface ElementsBest Selling WordPress Interface ElementsBest Selling WordPress Interface Elements
    Browse CodeCanyon for the best-selling WordPress user interface plugins available

    Top 20 WordPress User Interface Plugins (From CodeCanyon for 2021)

    In today's digital world, website users are accustomed to seeing and interacting with modern user interfaces. These elements will help your website be more user-friendly.

    1. UberMenu: WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

    UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu PluginUberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu PluginUberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

    Mega menus are a WordPress user interface element that I really like but can be difficult to implement. But it's easy with the UberMenu WordPress mega menu plugin!

    • enhanced mobile experience
    • easily add images and icons
    • build beautiful menu layouts
    • columns, rows, maps, forms, and more

    Tabbed submenus? Google Fonts? Vertical or horizontal? UberMenu has it all.

    2. Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

    Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress PluginSlider Revolution Responsive WordPress PluginSlider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

    When you need a slider—especially if you want an easy way to build it—you have to consider the Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin.

    • animations, color pickers, layers—it's got them all baked in.
    • social media feeds
    • media galleries
    • hero blocks
    • carousels
    • sliders
    • and more

    The number one feature that makes this slider appealing is the powerful visual editor. Sliders are sliders, but the Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin brings a complete, robust slide designer suite.

    3. Green Popups

    Green Popups Green Popups Green Popups

    As much as I hate popups, sometimes you just need a popup. The Popup Plugin for WordPress is the easiest way to build and display popups on your WordPress site.

    Features include, but are certainly not limited to:

    • jQuery and CSS3 animations
    • social network integration
    • A/B campaign stats
    • 200+ popup library
    • mobile-friendly design

    Popups can be triggered by onLoadonScrollonClickonExit, or onIdle events.

    And also features:

    • sidebar widget
    • link locker
    • inline form
    • and more

    Green Popups is a robust solution that looks great to users and proves useful for admins.

    4. Cool Timeline Pro: WordPress Timeline Plugin

    Cool Timeline ProCool Timeline ProCool Timeline Pro

    Add a timeline to blog posts, organization history pages, and more with the Cool Timeline Pro plugin. Create both horizontal and vertical timelines with its built-in designs and beautiful animation effects.

    • convert any post type into a timeline
    • pagination for long timelines
    • create multiple timelines
    • add icons
    • simple, clean, and flexible

    The Cool Timeline Pro WordPress Timeline Plugin is a great way to build a timeline from your current content or to create a new, standalone timeline to help communicate to your reader.

    5. Responsive FlipBook Plugin

    Responsive FlipBook PluginResponsive FlipBook PluginResponsive FlipBook Plugin

    Deliver web content within a beautiful UI with this incredible WordPress plugin.

    At first glance, the Responsive FlipBook Plugin looks like a nice way to display content with its cool bookshelf design. But it's so much more.

    Features include:

    • mobile zoom
    • PDF wizard
    • easy print
    • lazy load
    • and more!

    Create and present a complete collection of online eBooks with the Responsive FlipBook Plugin. It's pretty amazing.

    6. Superfly: Responsive WordPress Menu Plugin

    Replace your current WordPress menu or enhance it with the Superfly responsive menu plugin. This plugin is power packed and easy to use.

    Menu design options include:

    • side, skewed, and fullscreen menus
    • image backgrounds
    • static or anchored
    • icon bar
    • and more

    The Superfly Responsive WordPress Menu Plugin also includes display options, making it super easy to build the right menu for the right user interface.

    7. The Team Pro: Team Showcase WordPress Plugin

    The Team Pro team showcase WordPress plugin claims to be “the most versatile WordPress plugin available to create and manage your Team page.”

    I think they're right.

    • slide-ins
    • drawer
    • circles
    • modal
    • table
    • cards
    • grid
    • list

    With these 8 presets, over 20 style options, and clean designs, your team never looked so good with The Team Pro WordPress plugin.

    8. Progress Map WordPress Plugin

    Progress Map Wordpress PluginProgress Map Wordpress PluginProgress Map Wordpress Plugin

    The Progress Map WordPress Plugin is feature-rich. I most certainly can't do it justice with this short summary. The vision behind this WordPress user interface plugin is this:

    “The aim is to help users having websites like hotel listings, real estate listings, restaurant listings, job listings, store listings & more… to list their locations on Google map and to easily navigate through the map using a carousel.”

    • search filter and distance search
    • custom post type support
    • custom markers
    • 70+ map styles
    • geo-targeting
    • retina ready
    • and much, much more

    Progress Map WordPress Plugin is easily one of the most robust map plugins you're going to find. 

    9. Content Timeline: Responsive WordPress Plugin

    Content Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding TimelineContent Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding TimelineContent Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding Timeline

    This WordPress user interface is unique, and I love it! The Content Timeline plugin is the perfect solution for a large array of content presentation types.

    • fully responsive with swipe function
    • 7 embedded script control methods
    • 11 settings for easy customization
    • keyboard bindings
    • and more!

    Your timeline doesn't have to be a single string, either. This plugin allows for more than one element per spot in your timeline.

    The Content Timeline plugin is unique, beautifully designed, and the perfect WordPress user interface for presenting in a timeline format.

    10. Testimonials Showcase WordPress Plugin

    Testimonials Showcase - WordPress PluginTestimonials Showcase - WordPress PluginTestimonials Showcase - WordPress Plugin

    Display and manage your client, customer, and supporter testimonials easily with the Testimonials Showcase WordPress plugin. Testimonials never looked so good. 

    Features you will find include:

    • over 15 layout customization options
    • grid or slider layout
    • star rating system
    • and more

    The Testimonials Showcase WordPress Plugin also includes front-end submissions.

    11. Team Builder

    Team BuilderTeam BuilderTeam Builder

    Here are a few notable features of this plugin:

    • grid, slider, table, and widget support
    • drag and drop builder
    • skill and stat bars
    • social icons bar

    Add this plugin to your website today!

    12. UberChart: WordPress Chart Plugin

    UberChart - WordPress Chart PluginUberChart - WordPress Chart PluginUberChart - WordPress Chart Plugin

    If you want to share data visually, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better way to build and present it than the UberChart plugin.

    It's highly customizable and ready to drop into your WordPress install.

    Its feature set includes:

    • 240 customizable options for each chart
    • embedded spreadsheet editor
    • import and export data
    • fully responsive

    And it includes ten different chart types: line, area, bar, horizontal bar, pie, doughnut, radar, polar area, scatter, and bubble.

    UberChart WordPress Chart Plugin is impressive.

    13. Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress

    Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPressKreatura Slider Plugin for WordPressKreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress

    Kreatura Slider Plugin was built with user experience in mind. This plugin is a fully responsive and touch-enabled WordPress slider plugin that allows you to create professional and elegant sliders. The slider plugin focuses on simplicity and performance, while still providing a wide range of customization possibilities.

    Here are a few of the plugin's features: 

    • animated layers
    • carousel layout
    • infinite scrolling
    • SEO friendly

    14. Slick Menu: Responsive WordPress Vertical Menu

    Slick Menu - Responsive WordPress Vertical MenuSlick Menu - Responsive WordPress Vertical MenuSlick Menu - Responsive WordPress Vertical Menu

    Slick. Responsive. Vertical. Menu.

    The Slick Menu is exactly that, with a little extra on the side.

    Customize your:

    • background colors
    • custom fonts
    • patterns
    • overlays
    • images
    • videos
    • and more

    Each level is independently customizable, making it super easy to build great WordPress user interfaces without expensive design apps or code knowledge. 

    Slick Menu is an awesome option for vertical menus and more!

    15. LoftLoader Pro: Preloader Plugin for WordPress

    LoftLoader Pro - Preloader Plugin for WordPressLoftLoader Pro - Preloader Plugin for WordPressLoftLoader Pro - Preloader Plugin for WordPress

    Sometimes you need more time for something to load. Videos? Lots of HD images? Easily add a loading animation to your pages with the LoftLoader Pro Preloader Plugin for WordPress.

    It's pretty fancy.

    • adjust minimum load time
    • 18 CSS3 animations
    • works on all devices
    • built-in editor
    • and more

    The LoftLoader Pro plugin makes it easy to add an animated loading screen—no coding required.

    16. Ultra WordPress Admin Theme

    Ultra WordPress Admin ThemeUltra WordPress Admin ThemeUltra WordPress Admin Theme

    There's customizing the WordPress Admin. And then there's the Ultra WordPress Admin Theme.

    This WordPress user interface takes admin customizations to a whole new level.

    • admin menu management
    • create your own theme
    • import/export settings
    • and much, much more

    From the login screen to the top admin bar, the Ultra WordPress Admin Theme makes the entire WordPress Admin experience fully customizable.

    17. Different Menu

    martijn broeders

    founder/ strategic creative at shineyrock web design & consultancy
    e-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
    phone: 434 210 0245

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