…eries you've learned about a selection of arguments you can use with the WP_Query class, to select posts by post type, category, tag, metadata, date, status and much more.In this final tutorial on WP_Query arguments, I'll run through some less frequently used parameters which can give your queries even more…
…e CreatingYou may have used the audio tag to play sound in the past. While that works fine for simply playing a sound, it doesn't give us much control over the quality or timing of the playback.In our new short course, Fun With Web Audio, you'll learn about the Web Audio API,…
…e discussed how to implement an import tool, in which we created an import button and its front-end template. Today we’ll learn how we can directly import the bulk data from our computers to our OpenCart System. Let’s consider the hierarchy first. In the previous tutorial we implemented the export…
…eries you've learned how to use WP_Query to create custom queries for use in your theme or plugins.In most cases, you'll use WP_Query with a completely new set of arguments which are separate from that in the main query, but what if you want to include the main query in…
…e CreatingIn the last session, you refactored your entire blog system. Now that everything’s cleaned up, you are ready to speed up for some new adventures. In this session, we are going to do more around the router, and add three more functions to our blog system: delete, logout, and…
…e of the biggest confusion and hindrance in setting any kind of business is to understand the tax structure which will apply on your dealings. Taxation is quite a sensitive issue as far as business is concerned and it needs to be sorted well and in an organized way. Especially…
…er all those previous parts, we're done going through the WP_Query class—but that doesn't mean that we're done with the series! It's time to meet WP_Query's brother and sister classes: WP_User_Query, WP_Comment_Query, WP_Meta_Query and WP_Date_Query. In this part, we're going to learn about using the WP_User_Query class to query users…
…ervisor is a monitoring tool which controls various child processes and handles starting/restarting of these child processes when they exit abruptly or exit due to some reasons. It can be extended to control the processes via the XML-RPC API over remote locations without logging in to the server. I will…
…e first part of this two-part tutorial series, we saw to set up and control Supervisor to work with our web applications. In this part, we will see how we can programmatically control Supervisor processes remotely via the XML-RPC API.Getting StartedIn the previous part, we saw that Supervisor provides a…
…elcome to the final part of the series—well, technically the final part will be "Series Finale", but you get the idea. In this part, you're going to learn about two sibling classes called WP_Meta_Query and WP_Date_Query. Without further ado, let's begin! Working With All Kinds of Meta Data Through the…