Shineyrock web design & consultancy


Searched for: "e" / 1399 results

The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: Adding Coupons—Usage Restriction Part 1

…evious two articles I discussed what coupons are, the different discount types for coupons that are offered in WooCommerce, and how online store owners can configure the General settings at the time of creating new coupons. So let's start off with the next tab in Coupons Data in the list,…

Out-of-the-Box WordPress: The Groundbreaking Way to Activate Plugins & Themes Upon WordPress Ins

…e previous part of this series, we learned about bundling a WordPress installation with plugins and themes, and tweaking the wp-config-sample.php file. Granted, bundling themes and plugins isn't such an amazing idea, but you have to admit that editing wp-config-sample.php to install WordPress with custom wp-config.php tweaks is kind of…

Mastering WP_Query: Actions and Filters

…elcome to third part of our series called "Mastering WP_Query". In the previous part, we went through 13 WordPress functions that are related to the WP_Query class. In this part, we will be reviewing WordPress hooks (filters and actions) that you can use in conjunction with WP_Query. So, without further…

Better Cross-Platform Development: Highlights From the Microsoft Tutorial Series

…ecently we've been running a series of sponsored tutorials by Microsoft technical evangelists, designed to help you solve the problem of building things that work well across all platforms. In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights.A Fast, Accurate Way to Test Internet Explorer on iOS, Mac OS…

The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: Adding Coupons—Usage Restriction Part 2

…evious article I discussed the configuration of the first three options in the section of Usage Restriction for coupons in WooCommerce, i.e. "Minimum spend", "Individual use only" and "Exclude sale items". These options allow online store owners to include some additional functionalities and checks in the coupons. However, this section…

Mastering WP_Query: Properties and Methods

…elcome to yet another part of our "Mastering WP_Query" series. How are we doing so far? I hope you're enjoying these tutorials as much as we're enjoying writing them. In this tutorial, you're going to learn about the properties and methods of the WP_Query class. But first, I think it's…

The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: Adding Coupons—Usage Restriction Part 3

…e previous article I covered the settings of the Products and Exclude products options, which online store owners find at the time of creating a coupon in WooCommerce. These settings reside in the Usage Restriction section/tab, where the last three options are Product categories, Exclude categories, and Email restrictions. These three…

When to Use Bootstrap for Your WordPress Theme (And When Not To)

…e search for 'WordPress Theme with Bootstrap' and you'll get hundreds of results. These include guides telling you how to use Bootstrap to build your theme as well as commercially and freely available themes using the Bootstrap framework.Search for 'Bootstrap' in the WordPress theme repository and you get 199 results.…

Using Tools for Quality WordPress Development

…emes, plugins, and applications in WordPress requires a variety of different things if we want to make sure that we're armed with the best possible tools necessary.If you were to ask, say, 10 different people which tools they prefer, you'd not only get a wide array of answers—things from IDEs…

The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: Adding Coupons Usage Limits

…evious articles I explained in detail how to add coupons in WooCommerce and how one can configure coupons usage restrictions. After the two tabs/sections of General and Usage Restrictions, today, I will be discussing the last section of settings which needs to be configured before any online store owner publishes…

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