Shineyrock web design & consultancy


Searched for: "e" / 1399 results

Creating a Web App From Scratch Using AngularJS and Firebase

…eries, we'll be using AngularJS and Firebase to create a simple web application from scratch. It will be a simple blogging application where the user can sign in or sign up and publish a blog post.This tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of AngularJS, but it shouldn't be tough to…

New Course: A Developer’s Guide to Setting Up a New Mac

…etting a new Mac is a great thing for a developer, but it is also important to set up your computer with all the tools and utilities you need to do your job most effectively. In A Developer's Guide to Setting Up a New Mac, you'll see how to set up all the…

Advantages and Disadvantages of WordPress Frameworks

…e concept of a framework is something that's very common both within the modern web and within the software development environments. For the front-end, we have frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, for web applications we have frameworks like Yii and Rails, and for desktop (and even some web applications) we…

Modern Debugging Experience: Part 2

…e saw how to write and execute JavaScript using the DevTools. In part 2, we'll look at debugging JavaScript and adopting a workflow such that solving JavaScript errors and diagnosing problems becomes more efficient. Debugging JavaScript Using the DevToolsDebugger KeywordYou can use the debugger keyword directly in your code to invoke…

50 Filters of WordPress: Filters 41-50

…e previous parts of this series, we went through 40 WordPress filters. In this tutorial, we're going to see the last 10 filters and do examples with each. Let's begin! Filtering the Script Loader Source WordPress has its own script loader, wp_enqueue_script(), which allows us to "queue" JavaScript files and…

A Comprehensive Approach to Magento SEO: The Basics

…e first part of a four-article series in which we'll explore Magento Search Engine Optimization techniques in detail. In this article, you'll learn how to develop an effective keyword strategy for your Magento website, some general Magento admin panel configurations to make it more SEO friendly, how to create the robot.txt and sitemap.xml…

50 Filters of WordPress: Series Finale

…elcome to the series finale of "50 Filters of WordPress"! In this last part, we're going to review what we learned and summarize all the 50 filters with 10 words (give or take) each. Let's begin! First Part An Introduction to WordPress Filters In the first part of the series,…

Digging in to Laravel’s IoC Container

…ersion of Control, or IoC, is a technique that allows control to be inverted when compared to classical procedural code. The most prominent form of IoC is, of course, Dependency Injection, or DI. Laravel's IoC container is one of the most used Laravel features, yet is probably the least understood.Here's…

The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Taxonomies

…et's say that you've recently started developing things with WordPress. Perhaps you've created basic theme or a plugin that does something simple, but you're ready to jump into more complex topics.This may include things such as custom meta boxes, the Settings API, custom post types, or using custom taxonomies. All of…

Get Started Building Your Blog With Parse.js: User Login

…e CreatingIn the last session, you learned how to add data on and render it on your website. You got familiar with the concept of objects, collections, and views, and created your first class. From this session and moving forward, you will be creating the admin panel of the blog…

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