Shineyrock web design & consultancy


Searched for: "e" / 1399 results

Museum for a non profit…

…eum for a non profit organization. We where asked to design an auction website for a Non profit organization. The whole idea is to use a Museum where the visitor can walk trough and buy art for a good cause. It's all still in concept, so count on changes. Progress…

CSS 2.1 and XHTML 1.0

…ebsite is now CSS 2.1 and XHTML 1.0 validated at To check it your self.

Dutch language

…ebsite is now multi language. English and Dutch. We used "Multi Language Module" from It took some tweaking and time, but as of now we are set to add other languages when requested. The Multi Language Module is an Expression Engine add-on that allows you to create phrases in…

Install Fedora on Xserve, part IV

…edora 11 on my xserve1,1 (model 2006) - Update the system software, this includes the kernel. Be aware that when you upgrade the kernel you need to change your grub.conf. I updated my kernel to so I changed linux /vmlinuz- and initrd /initrd- to the new kernel version. -…

Install Fedora on Xserve, part III

…edora 11 on my xserve1,1 (model 2006) // This installation is for Xserve1,1 2006 models only, it uses a 32BIT EFI. The Xserve2,1 2008 models uses a 64BIT EFI and requires an other installation approach. // But If you need help, Xserve1,1 or Xserve2,1, I can help. Here is my…

Install Fedora on Xserve, part II

…edicated server for professional use. Goal: Finding a server of high quality and decent price. Solution: I found a brand new Apple Xserve on Specs: Xserve1,1 (2006) Quad 2Ghz Processor, 64BIT, 8GB RAM and 3x750 GB HD. Problem: Mac OS X Server does not has any web based user…

Install Fedora on Xserve, part I

…edicated server. Part II: Goal: Finding a good dedicated server for professional use. Part III: Installation: Fedora 11 on my xserve1,1 (model 2006) part IV: Tuning: Fedora 11 on my xserve1,1 (model 2006) Intro: My own dedicated server. As an Apple user, hobbyist, lover, nerd and share holder I needed…

Sneak peek project continues

…er a bit more than 1 year our Sneak Peek project continues. The timing is now perfect, right in the recession. We changed the name from Sneak Peek into "Design Scan" The project is a brand new service we are going to offer. Unique on the internet. The Front section…

Power of Website Analytics

…eople use web analytics—you’d have to be crazy not to—especially with such powerful free solutions out there. However, for many people, analyzing their stats goes no further than rejoicing at having a few more visitors and repeating the figures to potential advertisers. But analytics, used properly, is so much more…

Webmin on a PowerMac G5, part I

…er I: Intro Chapter II: Installing/compiling Apache, php, mysql and others in 64Bit. Chapter III: Installing/compiling Dovecot, Procmail and ProFTP in 64Bit. Chapter IV: Installing Webmin and setting up Webmin. I have an old Apple G5 Dual 2 Ghz standing in my server room doing nothing. So I decided to…

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