…eries, I am going to explain how you can build a custom theme with the popular open source e-commerce framework OpenCart. In this first part, I'll explain basic structure of the OpenCart theme.Before proceeding further, I assume that you have working OpenCart installation on your local workstation. If that's not…
…e CreatingPHPMyAdmin (PMA) is an excellent free, open source web-based database client which can be used to interact more easily with MySQL and application databases. I'll describe how to install it, secure it and some common scenarios with which it can assist you in database administration. Here's an online demo of PMA for you…
…e first article of this series, we explored the basic theme structure of OpenCart. Now, let's move one step further and learn how to can create a custom theme. If you haven't gone through the first part of this tutorial series yet, read through it so that you understand where…
…e CreatingHave you ever gotten excited by the idea of a web project, but found it miserable to make it run and work on a server? With Parse.js, everyone who understand the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can create dynamic websites and working web apps with ease. In this tutorial, I…
…e previous articles, we examined the MVC architecture and created our first controller, model, and view in the OpenCart application. We did this in order to help gain a better understanding of the core application. To take things a step further, we're going to look at creating a custom module for…
…earnIt is no exaggeration to say that Laravel has taken the PHP community by storm. If you're ready to start learning Laravel, our latest course will cover all the basics to get you ready to go. You'll get set up with all the tools you need to build your own…
…e sixth part of our series we talked about attacking long methods by leveraging on pair programming and viewing code from different levels. We continuously zoomed in and out, and observed both small things like naming as well as form and indentation. Today, we will take another approach: We will…
…e previous part of this series, we learned how to create a custom theme and enable it from the back-end of OpenCart. We also studied how the template overriding system works in the application. In this part, we'll go further and dissect the important templates to understand the basic elements used…
…e CreatingWhile reports vary, The Washington Post reported that the recent iCloud celebrity photo hacking centered around Find My iPhone's unprotected login point:"...security researchers were said to have found a flaw in iCloud's Find My iPhone feature that didn't cut off brute-force attacks. Apple's statement ... suggests the company doesn't regard that revelation as…
…e first part of this series, we learned the basics of Magento module development including the Magento directory structure, the custom module structure, and we created a basic "Hello World" module in order to understand how controllers work in Magento. In this article, we will learn how to create blocks and…