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Searched for: "e" / 1399 results

Package Management in Laravel

…e, we'll go ahead and explore the package management feature in the Laravel framework. In the course of the article, we’ll go through a real-world example to demonstrate the purpose of the article.Package management in Laravel is an important feature that allows you to bundle a piece of functionality so…

Best Unique Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins

…eat selection of useful plugins, there’ll always be those times when you need some extra functionality. Luckily, Bootstrap is pretty extendible and there are loads of JavaScript plugins available that will instantly add a desired behaviour and save you a whole lot of time and effort. Here are ten of…

Task Scheduling in Laravel

…er-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} In this article, we’ll go through one of the exciting features of the Laravel web framework—task scheduling. We’ll look at how Laravel allows you to manage scheduled tasks in your application. Moreover, we’ll also end up creating our own custom scheduled tasks for demonstration purposes.…

Testing a Node.js API

…ests are important; they provide a safeguard for your applications or APIs. As beginners, it is possible to be oblivious of the need to write tests that cover the important parts of what you are building. Yet you will meet with it as you make progress as a developer.In a…

Building With Vue.js 2 and Firebase

…ebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you develop high-quality apps and grow your business. In this tutorial, you will make good use of one of Firebase's awesome features: the Realtime Database. You will build a single page application to create books. This book will be saved to your Firebase…

How to Deploy With Deployer

…ed workflow for deployment is a great tool that every software development team must have. The release process, when it is fast, secure and fault tolerant, can save time for developing more great things. And the good news that there are many great tools for creating an automated release cycle.In…

TypeScript for Beginners, Part 5: Generics

…e second tutorial in our TypeScript for Beginners series focused on basic data types available in TypeScript. The type checking in TypeScript allows us to make sure that the variables in our code can only have specific types of values assigned to them. This way we can avoid a lot…

New Course on WordPress Conditional Tags

…e CreatingIn our new Coffee Break Course, WordPress Coding Basics: Conditional Tags, you'll learn all about conditional tags in WordPress: what they are and how to use them. Envato Tuts+ instructor Rachel McCollin will show you how conditional tags can help you cut down on the number of different templates…

How to Set Up a Scalable, E-Commerce-Ready WordPress Site Using ClusterCS

…en a website, such as an online store, is at the core of your business, the site's ability to serve customers through traffic spikes and sudden server failures can mean the difference between a big win and a frustrating loss. So, while setting up a single virtual server for the…

Working With Tables in React, Part One

…erviewOne of the most common user interface elements for presenting your data is a table. It turns out that there are many aspects to control when working with tables, such as: defining columns and headers various cell formats (text, numbers, check boxes) resizing filtering dynamic growing styling In this two-part…

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