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Building Your Startup: Automatic Time-Zone Detection

…e CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using my Meeting Planner app as a real-life example. Every step along the way, I'll release the Meeting Planner code…

Get Started Building Your Blog With Parse.js: Migration to Your Own Parse Server

…e CreatingSadly, is shutting down on 28 January 2017. In the previous series, I walked you through the entire journey of building a blog system from scratch. But everything was based on, and if you are still using those techniques, your website will unfortunately stop working by then.…

New Coffee Break Course: How to Use the Angular 2 HTTP Service

…e CreatingIf you are building an Angular 2 app, there will come a time when you need external data. The way to make this happen is through the HTTP service. HTTP allows you to make requests against remote endpoints and parse this data into a usable format.In our new Coffee…

Using Illuminate Database With Eloquent in Your PHP App Without Laravel

…e is Laravel’s database engine minus Laravel. It comes bundled with the Eloquent ORM in Laravel. If you would like to build your PHP apps with ORMs and prefer not to use Laravel, this tutorial is for you.In this tutorial, we are going to build the back end for a…

Authentication in Rails Using Clearance

…earance is a simple authentication system with email and password built by the team at Thoughtbot. It has opinionated defaults but is intended to be easy to override. The system is actively maintained, and you can follow up on GitHub.In this tutorial, you will see how to integrate Clearance into…

Make Creating Websites Fun Again With Hugo

…es are popular for many reasons. Avoiding overkill solutions and keeping a project simple without databases, too many dependencies, or specific server-side configurations (no PHP, no MySQL/MSSQL, .NET, Python, Ruby, and so on) make it very simple to deploy and be robust against numerous possible vulnerabilities. Ultimately, these become basic…

New Coffee Break Course: How to Animate Your Angular 2 App

…e CreatingHow your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element to indicate that it has been selected or animating a spinner when data is being loaded, adding animation to your…

Using the New York Times API to Scrape Metadata

…e CreatingIntroductionLast week, I wrote an introduction to scraping web pages to collect metadata, mentioning that it's not possible to scrape the New York Times site. The Times paywall blocks your attempts to gather basic metadata. But there is a way around this using the New York Times API.Recently I…

Getting Started With Cassandra: Using CQL API and CQLSH

…e Cassandra is one of the most popular open-source distributed database systems available. It was designed with the goal of handling large amounts of data stored in many servers distributed across geographies while providing high scalability and availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra systems can span multiple data…

Using Create React App

…e CreatingReact has quickly become a popular framework for creating both client-side and server-side views. There was a higher barrier of entry with tooling along with some frustration with JavaScript fatigue from the community. The create-react-app was created to address those frustrations.Getting StartedYou will first want to make sure that you…

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