Shineyrock web design & consultancy


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Creating a Custom WordPress Messaging System, Part 2

…e just now catching up to this particular series, we're in the process of building our own custom messaging system that hooks into WordPress, allowing us to take advantage of some of the existing APIs, but also allowing us a bit more control.From the previous tutorial:But just as we looked…

Building Your Startup: Security Basics

…e CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using my Meeting Planner app as a real-life example. Every step along the way, I'll release the Meeting Planner code…

Building Your First Web Scraper, Part 2

…earn how you can use Mechanize to click links, fill out forms, and upload files. You'll also learn how you can slice Mechanize page objects and how to automate a Google search and save its results.Topics Single Page vs. Pagination Mechanize Agent Page Nokogiri Methods Links Click Forms Single Page…

New Course: Build a REST API With Laravel

…EST APIs are useful for all kinds of apps. They can be the back-end to a front-end web app, they can store data for a mobile app, or they can provide services to other apps or APIs. There are a lot of moving pieces to coding a RESTful API, but…

Creating a Custom WordPress Messaging System, Part 3

…eries, we've laid the foundation for our plugin, defined a custom hook, and wired up a perpetual message to show how we can take advantage of said hook.What we haven't done, though, is implement various message types, allow user input, and display messages based on the result of input the…

Uploading Files With Rails and Shrine

…ere are many file uploading gems out there like CarrierWave, Paperclip, and Dragonfly, to name a few. They all have their specifics, and probably you've already used at least one of these gems.Today, however, I want to introduce a relatively new, but very cool solution called Shrine, created by Janko…

Programming With Yii2: Helpers

…e CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of Yii 2.0.What Are Helpers?In the Programming With Yii2 series, I'm guiding readers in use of the Yii2 Framework for PHP. In this tutorial, I'll provide a…

Building Your First Web Scraper, Part 3

…elcome back to this series on building a web scraper. In this tutorial, I'll go through an example of scraping data from my own podcast site. I'll cover in detail how I extracted the data, how the helper and utility methods accomplish their jobs, and how all the puzzle pieces…

Creating a Custom WordPress Messaging System, Part 4

…eries, we've taken a look at how we can implement a system that allows us to programmatically define custom messages that display on a given administration page in the WordPress back end.If you've followed along with the series thus far, then you know: We've laid the groundwork for the plugin…

Building Your Startup: Ajax for Meeting Times and Places

…e CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using my Meeting Planner app as a real-life example. Every step along the way, I'll release the Meeting Planner code…

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