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What Are Laravel 5.0 Facades?

…e design patterns are best defined in the words of Martin Fowler: Patterns provide a mechanism for rendering design advice in a reference format. Software design is a massive topic, and when faced with a design problem, you must be able to focus on something as close to the problem…

Making an Original Corporate Theme in WordPress: The Homepage and About Page

…e themes are everywhere! In ThemeForest, almost a quarter of all WordPress themes fall under the "corporate themes" category, and nearly all best-sellers are a corporate or a "multi-purpose" theme. And it's no different in other theme shops, too: Almost all of their top-sellers are multi-purpose themes, and corporate themes…

How to Work With WordPress Metadata

…e someone who is just getting started working with WordPress, then it's natural to be curious about some of the advanced features offered by its API. So where might you stand regarding your experience?Maybe you've tweaked the code in a few themes.Perhaps you've altered the functionality of a couple of…

Making an Original Corporate Theme in WordPress: Designing Other Page Types

…et's recap: My claim is that the reason of the magnitude of WordPress's market share is because it's so darn easy to create corporate websites with WordPress, and this is also the exact reason why the top-selling WordPress themes are corporate (or multi-purpose) themes. Theme makers might have clogged the market…

Editing Images in CSS: Combining Techniques

…er-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} In last two tutorials of this series, we have discussed how filters and blend modes can completely change the appearance of images. In this tutorial, I will cover the basics of editing images by using both these properties together. The Basics of Layering Image Effects…

Ruby/Rails Code Smell Basics 02

…eries about code smells and possible refactorings. The target audience I had in mind are newbies who heard about this topic and who maybe wanted to wait a bit before entering these advanced waters. The following article covers “Feature Envy”, “Shotgun Surgery” and “Divergent Change”. Topics Feature Envy Shotgun Surgery…

How to Work With WordPress Post Metadata

…e first post in this series, I gave an overview of all of the various types of metadata offered by WordPress, where it's kept, and what we're going to be covering throughout this series. Further, I defined what metadata is; its role within WordPress, and how it's relevant to us…

Set Up Common Controller Code in OpenCart

…e come across module development in OpenCart, you may have faced the situation in which you've declared a couple of common elements in each and every controller. Don't you think that it would be nice if you could declare the common code somewhere and it's picked up as needed! So…

Quiz: JavaScript ES6, Do You Know the Right Tool for the Job?

…ES6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015) has brought a bounty of new syntax intended to improve developer experience and ergonomics.Take this quiz to test your knowledge of JavaScript ES6.JavaScript ES6 FundamentalsJavaScript ES6 (more properly known as ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015) represents the biggest change to JavaScript in the last 20…

What Is Drupal?

…en-source content management system written in PHP. Having been created in the early 2000s by a Belgian student, it now powers some of the most prominent websites on the web (,, etc.). It is often regarded as a competitor of CMSs such as WordPress and Joomla. One of the…

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