Shineyrock web design & consultancy


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New Course: Animate Your Site With AngularJS

…e CreatingAnimation is no longer an optional feature in web applications. Users expect it, so developers must oblige. If you're writing an AngularJS-based application, then you already have a wealth of built-in animation tools available. In Animate Your Site With AngularJS, Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will teach you about AngularJS 1.4's…

Interested in Writing for Tuts+ Code?

…e first time in over a year, we're looking to add more instructors to our team. Specifically, we're looking for those who have strong skills in Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and more, all of which we'll cover momentarily.What's required to become an instructor for an established educational network like Envato? Depending…

Query Improvements in the Latest Versions of WordPress

…e last year, much has been written about the improvements to the WordPress user interface: the most talked about change has been the improved writing experience.But if you're a developer you'll be wanting to know less about that and more about what's changed under the hood. Here I'll demonstrate one…

An Introduction to Learning and Using DNS Records

…e CreatingIntroductionThe Domain Name System (DNS) essentially provides a phone directory for the Internet. You might want to type in to your web browser to buy iPhone accessories, but how will your request reach Apple's web server at IP address That's what the domain name record system does…

Mastering WP_Query: Series Finale

…elcome to the end of the "Mastering WP_Query" series. It's been a long journey—this was one of the longest series in the history of Tuts+. Rachel and I are extremely proud to be the two writers of this WP_Query reference. We hope you enjoyed the ride. In this final part,…

Explore Amazon Web Services

…e CreatingAmazon Web Services are a comprehensive set of services that help you build and deploy better software. There are over 25 data centers hosting more than 1.4 million servers. This vast computing power is used to host services as diverse as on-demand computation, file storage, databases, application services and…

100% relevance worth $2,780,060?

…e other day I was registering several extra domain names for my current business. Something to attract new business, so ending up with,, and for special offers…. Than it hit me what if, what if I could register “”… A 2 letter domain? This is quite…

Add an Automatic ‘Featured Image’ to Blog Posts Based on Category

…e CreatingUsing featured images in post archives is a common feature of themes, but sometimes you might want to use featured images a bit differently. Occasionally I've worked on sites where the images to be displayed relate to the category a post is in and not to the post itself.…

Quiz: Amazon Web Services, Do You Know the Right Tool for the Job?

…e that you're architecting the cloud services for a new web application. Test your knowledge of Amazon Web Services with this short quiz to see if you can pick the appropriate services to satisfy each of the requirements of your app.Explore Amazon Web ServicesAmazon Web Services are a comprehensive set…

Magento Theme Development: Getting Started

…e CreatingIn this tutorial series, we’ll be developing a Magento theme from scratch. As Magento is an enormous eCommerce CMS with tons of customization options, Magento themes are usually considered very complex to develop, but I hope once you follow along with this series, you’ll get very familiar with Magento…

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