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Custom Widget Development in Magento

…e now, Magento has been the benchmark set amongst the e­-commerce frameworks available in the market. Credit goes to the plethora of ­rich built-in features it comes with and the extendability of the base framework itself to develop tailor-made extensions. In this tutorial, you'll learn the concept of widgets in…

Creating a Web App From Scratch Using AngularJS and Firebase: Part 6

…e previous part of this series, we saw how to create a blog post and display all the blog posts in the welcome page. In this part, we'll implement the edit and delete post functionality.Getting StartedLet's start by cloning the previous part of the tutorial from GitHub.git clone cloning…

Moving WordPress: Moving a Multisite Network

…eries I've shown you how to move a standard WordPress installation, but how do you move a Multisite network? The answer is that it's not too different from a single site, but there are a few extra considerations. Here I'll show you how.In this seven part series I'll show you…

Go Back to Basics With Our New Course on JavaScript Fundamentals

…earn JavaScript? In JavaScript Fundamentals, we’ll start at the very beginning and cover everything about the language that a beginner needs to know. Maybe you've never programmed anything before, or maybe you're coming to JavaScript from another language. Whatever your situation, we'll go through everything you need to get up and running with one of…

Localize Your Web Application for Any Country With the Google Translate API

…e CreatingIn my tutorial Localization With I18n for the Building Your Startup With PHP series, I created sample Spanish code by cutting and pasting text strings into Google Translate. I began to wonder if I could integrate the Google Translate API with the Yii Framework's I18n resource extraction script to…

Understand Layouts in OpenCart

…e'll explore the concept of layouts in OpenCart. We'll start by exploring the core layouts available in OpenCart, and as we move on we'll take a look at how you can create new layouts. Further, we'll see the association of layouts with products, categories and modules.I assume that you're using…

Getting Started With Redux Framework, Part 2: Sections, Fields & Configuration Settings

…e CreatingThis article helps you, the developer, to begin using Redux Framework in the most basic of ways: adding fields. In the past, working with Redux required some understanding of PHP Classes and how they work. With Redux 3.5+ the learning curve has all but disappeared. I'm one of the…

Accessibility, Part 1: Introduction

…e WordPress Foundation, on its website, states that its aim is to "democratize publishing"; and goes on to say that it hopes to "serve the public good through freely accessible software". Of course, they're talking about open source software—accessibility in this sense is simply unrestricted access to the source code. However, as…

Using Page Templates in Your WordPress Theme

…es did you create in your last WordPress project? If you're using WordPress as a content management system and not for blogging or any other reason, it's very possible that pages are the most used post type in that project. Why? Because pages are the most basic and most useful…

Introduction to Lumen

…en is a brand spanking new PHP micro-framework developed by the author of the Laravel framework, Taylor Otwell. Don't stress, though—Lumen is not meant to replace Laravel. In fact, the idea behind Lumen is that it complements your existing or future Laravel applications.Taylor Otwell developed Lumen with some very specific…

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